copenhagen, late december

I haven’t written here in a while so i’m gonna try and do some catch up.

As Grainne was saying, Christmas in the white house was really nice. Indeed, my sporting prowess on a computer amazed even me wiiand i remembered just how much i like cookingme cooking. I got to spend the holiday with some cool people and had a really nice time. Missed home, but was in good company, and unfortunately Santa didn’t manage to get my presents to me. Went to Christiania on the 24th and sang danish carols (i’m pretty sure i almost killed their language) and hung out with drunk homeless people; which was nice. Continuing the festive note, its not snowing here anymore but its still as cold here as when it was. The good news is that its supposed to get colder in January.

Copenhagen is an interesting place, and reminds me of Amsterdam at times. They have a nice pace of life and with a bike the city doesn’t seem very big. In fact, i’ve started spending some time at a social space called ‘candy factory’ which is on the opposite side of my map! it’s an ex ‘bon bon’ factory that was recently used by the bike bloc during cop15. i was there the other day when it was being cleaned up after them, and the place now looks fantastic. It’s a bit of a dump, but friendly and full of tags. (on a side note, every free space in this city has been tagged, but mostly with peoples names – why not draw a few pictures, eh?). Was at a birthday party there last night, and it was sweet. The bar is in the basement, with a fire in the corner, big speakers on the stage, a cheap bar, and everyone ‘smoking’.

The van is liking it’s place in the warehouse. It makes a big difference to be out of the cold and is giving us the chance to continue with the long list of ‘things to do’. I’m hoping to complete the LED lights tomorrow and today Grainne kicked ass fitting the carpet. Those that know me a long time might know of my history fitting carpets. Please be assured that i am still useless at it.

In fact, while G was diligently working i spent the day having a bit of a play on my disco board. I managed to get onto the bill to play at the candy factory on new years eve – at 4am. Ho hum, i’ve played later. But it seems that there is also going to be a party at our place. It’s all a little bit up in the air, but if it goes ahead i’m also playing on their rig before going to bed. If it’s close enough, i might just do it from bed. Grainne would love that.

So, theres a bit of an update. Since i’ve been away i’ve woken up each day and been delighted to be were i am and even if i don’t get up very early, i’m still happy to be on the road. We’ve talked about were to go next, but you’ll have to keep reading to find out where!
